Thursday, April 25, 2013

White fungus salad


20 grams - dry white fungus
1 pcs - medium size onion
1 pcs - medium size tomato
10 grams - dry prawn (grind)
5 grams - white sesame seeds
5 grams - roasted peanut (grind)
1 Tbs - fried onion oil
(fry 1 pcs of sliced onion with  50 ml of oil and 1/8 tsp of yellow powder)
1 Tbs - Thai fish sauce
onion leave (cut)


  • Soak dry white fungus in the water for 15 minutes.  Drain and remove the stems.  Cut the fungus into small pieces.  
  • Boil water and add fungus for 5 minutes.  Drain well.  Squeeze out the water and place on the plate.
  • Add sliced onion, tomato, white sesame seeds, roasted peanut, dry prawn, fried onion oil, onion leave and fish sauce.  
  • Mix well and serve.  Adjust the fish sauce as per your taste.

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