Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sweet pork ribs with potatoes



300 grams - pork ribs
250 grams - potatoes (2 medium size)
20 grams - dice ginger
50 grams - onion (slice)
3 Tbsp - light soy sauce
1 Tbsp - dark soy sauce
3 Tbsp - cooking oil
MSG  (optional)


  • Cut pork ribs and marinate with 1 Tbsp of light soy sauce and pinch of sauce for 15-20 minutes.
  • Cut potatoes into four portions each and put aside.
  • Heat up the cooking oil in a saucepan.  When the oil is hot, add dice ginger and fry till fragrant.
  • Add sliced onion and stir fry for a minutes.  Add marinated pork ribs and stir fry 2 minutes.
  • Add remaining ingredient and 2 cups of hot water.  Cover the saucepan and stir often.  Add more water if the meat is not tender.  When the pork rib is cook, leave it with some gravy.   

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